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Linda is the author of “How Can I Smile at a Time Like This?” and “How Can I Get my Ex Back?” In addition, she has written several short stories, many of which have received recognition, including the Royal Palm Literary Award and the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest. She is published in “The Saturday Evening Post,” NPR's "Growing Bolder" blog, "Chicken Soup for the Soul," "The Florida Writer,” “Haunted Waters Press,” "Savannah Anthology 2015," and "Journeys VIII."

Linda is a member of the Florida Writers Association and the Authors Roundtable of Mt. Dora. Linda also writes under a pen name for a popular advice website. To date she has answered over 1,600 requests for personal advice.
When not jumping out of perfectly good airplanes, Linda is enjoying retirement with her husband, Joe, in their charming, central Florida, two-horse town.
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